Why Did the Terminator Say Well Meet Again in Terminator 3
- How does the T-X go her hands on a gun? Get-go she'd already taken the apparel and car from a passing adult female, then upon being pulled over by a cop, she notices a lingerie advertizing, and comes to the only logical solution to dealing with the cop.
- In T2, the Terminator gets its leather clothes from a biker bar. In T3, it does so in a strip lodge
. . . with hilarious results.
- Robo Cam:
Woman: Shake it, baby.
(dismisses her outfit as 'Inappropriate')- And later...
T-850: Take off your clothes.
Gay biker: Patience, dear.
(The Terminator walks upwards on phase, driving the bachelorettes wild)
Gay biker: Whoa, bitch, wait your turn!
T-850: Your clothes.
Gay biker: Talk to the paw! (the Terminator grabs it) AAAH!!
T-850: (talks to it) Now.
(The Terminator walks out, fully clothed, with the bachelorettes wooing it)- Followed by the Call-Back to the second motion-picture show when the Terminator slowly pulls the shades out of the pocket of his jacket and slips them on... revealing them to be a sparkly pinkish pair with star-shaped frames. One Beat subsequently he pulls them off, drops them on the ground and treads on them.
- "Talk to the hand
- The vocal on the background also
(the DVD even plays that in the Hilarious Outtakes).
- Speaking of which, the outtakes provide us this precious stone:
T-850: John Connor leads the resistance to victory.
John Connor: How? Why? Why me?!
T-850: ...Because you're John Connor. DUH!
- 2 from the outtake reel; when the T-850, John, and Kate are making their manner through the CRS complex, T-850 is leading the fashion - puffing on a cigar. And when T-850 and the T-X charge at each other before their fight scene, they stop - and waltz. The smiles on their faces, almost every bit if to say, "Oh, lovely to see you here," is what really sells information technology.
- The vocal on the background also
- This scene:
T-850: I am looking for John Connor.
Kate: If I tell y'all where he is, volition yous permit me go?
T-850: Yep.
Kate: He's in a cage in the back of the clinic. *T-850 begins to close the doors* Hey! You said yous'd let me get!
T-850: I Lied. *Shuts and locks the door*- Which every bit a bonus, is quite possibly, a Shout-Out to a famous scene in Commando with almost identical dialogue.
- The T-850 commandeering a fire truck, so stealing the T-X's truck.
- The Large Ham interim of the guy John rear-ends with Kate's truck.
Angry Human being: If y'all don't take insurance, I'm gonna rip your balls off!
John: Listen, I don't want any bug, okay. It was an accident...
Kate: Help! Get me out of hither!
Angry Human: What's going on?! Who's back at that place?
John: Calm down...
Angry Human being: SHUT Upwardly!
- One can imagine his reaction when the T-X totaled his car.
- After going through a particularly rough ride in the dorsum of her truck when escaping from the T-X:
T-850: (Opens up the pet door to Kate'due south truck) Katherine Brewster? Accept yous sustained injury?
Kate: Drop dead, you asshole!
- After John, Kate and the T-850 escape from the T-10:
John: What, do you lot guys come off an associates line or something?
T-850: Exactly.
John: Aw, homo! I'm gonna accept to teach you everything all over over again!
- After the Terminator tosses its ruptured power cell and causes a mini-explosion in the desert that rocks the truck they are driving:
T-850: When ruptured, the fuel cells get unstable. Relax.
Kate: [in the dorsum] Aid! Get me out of hither!
T-850: RELAX!- The scene preceding that one has some funny dialogue too.
John: You'll find a mode to destroy her, right?...
- While John is in the dorsum with Kate, he opens the pet door and asks the Terminator "Tell her who I am." he responds "John Connor is the leader of the worldwide resistance and last hope for mankind." The comedy comes from both the deadpan, grandeur description and Kate not buying it at all.
- When Kate finally gets her hands on a gun and points information technology at the T-850, who, of course, is not concerned. In a panic, Kate pulls the trigger. The T-850 spits the bullet out of its rima oris (revealing completely unscratched teeth), much to Kate's horror. The T-850 and so just says: "Don't do that." and turns abroad.
- What really sells it is John's reaction to the situation. He is slumped off to the side, not fifty-fifty remotely worried, suggesting that Kate just shoot the Terminator and get it over with.
- The T-850's reveal of
installed human being psychology.
- Dr. Silberman, who was a psychiatrist in T1 and head of the asylum Sarah Connor was put in in T2, is sent by the cops to calm Kate in the cemetery. The funny bit was when he tried to assure Kate that it was just her minds playing flim-flam regarding the Terminator.... Simply the moment he saw that exact same Arnold face he saw years ago in T2, he immediately bailed, every bit if saying "Oh, No... Not Over again!!".
- Afterwards John is told by the T-850 that Kate is his future married woman, he tries to argue with him nigh it, and the following conversation reveals that the T-850 does not understand romance.
John: Are you certain almost this... me and her?
John: [scoffs] I recollect there's a little more to it than that.
T-850: My database does not comprehend the dynamics of human emotions.
- Later on Kate shoots down an HK, John is stunned. And then:
Kate: What?
John: Nothing... you remind me of my female parent. - The Terminator is a real mood-killer.
T-850: Your levity is good. It relieves tension and the fear of expiry.
- Over again, a hapless truck driver comes to the assistance of a Terminator after a car chase. This time, the T-X is distracted checking to make sure her Arm Cannon is working, and the truck commuter, noticing this, wisely turns around and bugs the hell out.
- Gallows Humor from the T-850. When John says, "Cheers," it replies "We'll meet again." It sounds warm, but because what happened when the T-850 first meets him in the future...
- A bit of cathartic humor in the terminal fight: T-Ten makes her entrance to the bunker by crashing a stolen utility chopper through the doors, which slides for a good 20 feet in. She begins striding towards Connor and Kate, who are practically helpless as they scramble to become the blast door to open...and then 850 comes on the scene in a much, much bigger helicopter, which not simply smashes aside T-X's helicoper and T-X herself, but slides practically to the stop of the hangar earlier coming to a stop, destroying everything in its path. So, and but and then, does the T-850 step out. It's equally if the ii 'bots are just having a pissing contest of who'due south the bigger badass at this betoken.
- Sgt. Candy
, the origin of the Austrian-absolute Terminator.
- The SWAT Commander ordering the T-850 to disarm while he'due south holding a automobile gun and took a very big object out of the mausoleum.
SWAT Commander: Drop your weapon!
SWAT Commander: ...and, the coffin!
Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Funny/Terminator3RiseOfTheMachines
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